Thursday, April 16, 2009

outside reading

For my forth quarter outside reading im choosing to read In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. I picked this book because my dad said that i would like it. I also looked through it and it seemed interesting so I will read it and see how good it is.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

blog #15

"Wounded vet goes from 'life slipping away' to soap opera star". CNN. 2008. 22 March 2009.

As a U.S. soldier drives his humvee down gravel road in Iraq with his comrades, suddenly a mine explodes, blowing up his left front tire. He was trapped in the vehicle while it started to burn. His friends were able to escape and only suffered minor injuries. As the humvee started to smolder, the soldier began to think of his mother and her receiving a flag because of his death and he suddenly realized he couldn't put her through that kind of pain. As a result of his vision, he mustered up enough strenght to fight his way out the vehicle and make it to saftey. While in the hospital, with his mother by his side, he was forced to watch a Spanish soap opera with his mother. He joked with her saying "One day I'm going to be on a soap opera, mom". But his joke came true because he is now starring in the the soap opera titled "All My Children". He has inspired many in todays world by telling them to be strong and hold on to certain things in life because they'll get you through.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

blog #14

Monroe, Rachel. "My Back-Seat View Of A Great Romance." New York Times. 21 February 2009. 17 March 2009.

As this young girl goes throughout her life, she suddenly realizes that because she is dating a distant boyfriend, she is confining herself to being committed and she doesn't like that. She decides that she will break up with him and go to Morocco for a vacation. After she breaks the ties with him, she realizes she's lonely and unhappy without him. But she decides to go on her trip anyways. Only after not being with him does she realize how important he was in her daily life. In connection with Nectar in a Sieve, Ruku feels some reservation in marrying Nathan just like how the young girl feels about her relationship.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

blog #13

Rohde, David. "How a ‘Good War’ in Afghanistan Went Bad'." NY Times. 12 August 2007. 15 March 2009.

As the war in Iraq began, troops that were stationed in Afghanistan were relocated to fight in Iraq. This action by the Bush Administration was questioned by many people because it seemed like all the work we had done to support Afghanistan had gone to waste. Later on, groups of NATO ambassadors went to Kabul, Afghanistan and surveyed a 'triumph'. The Taliban were so decimated that they didn't even pose a threat anymore. This war is invovled with improvenments of health care, education, economy, and the quality of life in the cities.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

blog #12

Kimmelman, Micheal. "In France, a War of Memories Over Memories of War." NY Times. 4 March 2009. 10 March 2009.

In France, there is a wall called the Wall of Disappeared that lists 2700 of pieds noirs. Pieds Noirs (French colonists) emigrated from Spain, Italy, Germany, Malta and other European countries. When France was ruled by Charle de Gaulle in 1962, millions of pied noirs were killed or forced to flee neighboring cities to try to stay alive. These people wanted rights among Africa and colonized in its colonies proting these colonies fully developing. Following this, a series of wars apporached because of the french government not supporting the citizens of France. This led to thousands of deaths which are shown on the Wall of the Disappeared. This wall inspires people all across America.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

blog #11

Sutter, John D. "To find a job, ignore doom-and-gloom news, experts say". CNN. 6 March 2009. 8 March 2009.

As the economy starts to slow down, job spots have also decreased. The rate of unemployement as gone way up and the number of jobs is going down. In the case that you are in the search for a job, you should be open minded to working in a different field or moving to accomidate for a new job. One option is to move to the south because it is overflowing with jobs because of the healh care industry. As jobs are harder to find, you must be persistent in putting in as many job applications as possible. In connection to Nectar in Sieve, Nathan has a hard time finding a job after he is kicked off his land.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Costantini, Allen."MLK, Jr. preached non-violence in Minnesota: a special remembrance". KARE 11 News. 3 March 2009.

In honor of Martin Luther King Day, I found an article talking about how Martin Luther King influenced the people of his time to strive for racial equality and as a result of his teachings we live in the world that we do today. 41 years ago, Martin Luther spoke at the U of M campus to around 4000 students teaching them about the importance of non-violent actions regarding racial equality. "That my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream, today!" This quote directly shows the depth of emotion that Martin Luther shows towards his teachings. This article relates to us in our everyday lives because everyday we must strive to treat everyone as equal no matter what color they are or where there from.