Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Lemagie, Sarah. "Schools recruiting dads to provide more male role models for kids". Star Tribune. 1 Feb 2009. 16 Feb 2009. http://www.startribune.com/local/south/38783792.html?elr=KArksUUUU.

This article is about schools recruiting dads to provide more support and be role models to students at the school. Most dads never volunteer in class, the moms are the ones always wanting to help out. Now they want more of the dads help. Volunteers involved in Watch DOGS (Dads Of Great Students) take one day off work and spend it at their kids' schools, helping out in the classroom and wherever help is needed. I think this is a great idea for more help and giving kids someone to look up to. When i was in elementary school, mainly all the volunteers were mothers. I liked the fact of mothers being there but fathers could give the boys a better influence in my opinion. I hope that more schools will do this and get more help from other watch DOGS.

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