Sunday, January 11, 2009

Outside Reading #5

"Hopes & Dreams for the Next Four Years"
An article in the Minneapolis Southwest Journal featured interviews with local residents in which they were asked about their hopes and dreams for Obama's new 4 year term in office. They interviewed men and women, young and old, people in business, students, stay-at-home parents and professionals. In general, all of the people interviewed felt optimistic about the presidential election results of 2008 and were all looking forward to a new future with Obama as our nation's leader. At the same time, all people interviewed were worried about the economy and the steady loss of jobs throughout the nation. They believed that most likely things would get worse before they start to get better. They feared more economic hardship and more unemployment in 2009. Some residents mentioned their hopes for the USA to regain respect from other countries around the world after the eight years of bad foreign policy and all the damage caused by Bush and his administration. They were hopeful that Obama represents a true change for US world relations. Many people are 'teful that the war will finally wind down and our troops will be coming home. I wasn't surprised to hear that the fears people have mostly involve economic issues, the war and job loss. It didn't surprise either me to read that most people are hopeful about Obama and his next four years in office. I agreed with most of the people interviewed and I think that right now a large majority of citizens are on the same page in terms of what they are worried about and what they are hoping for in the near future.
Weyer, Jake. "Hopes and Fears for the Next Four Years." Southwest Journal. 12 January 2009: A13-15.

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